Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A music-related thought I thought I'd share

Recently I've been listening to a lot of stuff that I loved a year or two ago and fell out of loving. Maybe I latched onto something else, maybe I overplayed it, who knows. The thing that occurred to me as I listened to mewithoutYou's magnum opus Brother, Sister, was that music is simultaneously living and static. It breathes life into a dead and tired brain, yet it is always the same, consistently providing the same comfort, entertainment, and food for thought as it did the first time it was listened to.

This is interesting in a couple ways; first, music provides a base that you can always trust and come back to. The notes never change, and to me music gives a sense of order to my life. At the same time though, having a large variety of options helps me to not stay in a rut and keep life interesting. (I suppose to make this whole thing make sense it would help y'all to know that I am listening to some sort of music probably 8+ hours a day.)

Another thing this made me consider is that since music remains static, our perceptions of it are ever-changing. Sometimes I'm just not feeling an album one day, but the next day I listen to it again and it's like being reborn. Music is alive in this sense just like your friends. One day they can bother and annoy you, and the next day you want nothing more than to talk to them for hours on end.

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